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21st December 2018 - 0 comments

Green Angel Syndicate leads investment into e-bike company Swytch Technology

Green Angel Syndicate (GAS) is delighted to announce its latest investment in state-of-the-art e-bike company Swytch Technology. GAS is the largest single contributor in a round that includes investments from the Startup Funding Club, Angels Den and the London Co-Investment Fund, with a total investment of £795,000, valuing the company at over £2.5 Million.

E-bike demand is soaring with over 1.67m unit sales of electronically power-assisted cycles (EPAC) in Europe in 2016, a rise of 1,700% in just ten years. Swytch is now targeting the EU which is 15-20 times larger than its home UK market, and the USA which has seen explosive growth of up to 70% in volumes each year for the last three years.


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