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18th February 2019 - 0 comments

Jenson invests in 'Uber for vans' VANUSE

Jenson has made it's latest investment in VANUSE Ltd, an on-demand mobile marketplace app designed for the courier, removals and man-and-van sectors. The app allows customers to book deliveries instantly and get the appropriate driver based on location and the size of the package to be delivered.

The company enables individual delivery providers of all sizes from small, medium and large vans to accept jobs based on the size of package and location. The platform has a unique pricing algorithm that prices jobs that work both for the customer and the driver. The company's differentiation from its competitors, by being both customer and driver focused. Also, Vanuse’s focus is on the underserved 'larger items' space, the ability to 'instantly' book a service and the ability to collect items within an hour of booking.


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