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30th August 2018 - 0 comments

Mobile tech entrepreneur Howard Simms receives honorary Doctorate in Technology

Howard Simms, Co-Founder of mobile technology group Apadmi and CEO of their investment arm Apadmi Ventures, has received an honorary Doctorate in Technology.

25 years after graduating with a Mathematics degree, Howard donned a cap and gown to receive an honorary Doctorate in Technology (DTech) from Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), in recognition of his significant contribution to enterprise and the development of innovative technologies.

Howard commented: "When I first began my career in tech, I never would have thought my career path would have led me into the entrepreneurial world and to where I am now, with the chance to stand in front of hundreds of hopeful students and deliver a speech. It was an amazing day for my family and I, a real honour from such an esteemed university as MMU, and an incredibly proud moment in my life.”


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