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21st January 2020 - 0 comments

20 Thoughts from 20 years of Angel Investing

Simon Blakey gives us the benefit of his 20 years experience as an Angel Investor.

1st January 2000: Y2K hadn’t happened (look it up…), the first boom was at its peak and I, as a young and naive 26 year-old, sat down in a Regus office in Hammersmith and said ‘right, I’m going to be a business angel investor’. With zero corporate finance experience and being about 30 years younger than the average angel investor at that time, it was a (very) fast learning experience.

Now, 20 years later, I have invested in over 35 companies in 75 funding rounds with eight profitable exits to date (with a similar number of failures) and am well ahead return-wise. I also have more experience than I had back then, but I am forever grateful to people such as Nitin and Milan Shah (founder of Pepe Jeans), James Gordon of Gordon Solicitors and Modwenna Rees-Mogg of AngelNews for their guidance and support in those initial years (and of course my amazing brother Michael, who I have angel invested with throughout this time under the Avonmore Developments umbrella).


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